Originally Posted by MMM
I get my news from many sources, including my wallet. My point is that my educated arguments are often dismissed because I obviously have a basis for them, which is the opposite of a logical argument. It's a desperate attempt to kill the messenger when you don't like the message.
Yes, the most sources you should have, the most elements to analyse and help to see you clear you'll have. But maybe my example couldn't be used comparatively to yours, as here in France (and maybe in UK if I analyse Hisuwashi's post) we have a big politically correct syndrom, that means that about 80 to 90% of the papers and medias are saying the same things (the differences are only on the form, not the facts). So as I believe that in US it is a bit different (I don't know how far, maybe not much, but more than us I expect!), I'm certainly sure that you would have more elements than us. In fact if I don't trust medias it only for this reason: they claim to know all, their truth is the only one to be and if you don't want to follow it you're a kind a rogue. I don't want to be a rogue anyway but I can't stand being judged by a staff of coke sniffer late scratching papersmen!
Last thing, I didn't want to dissmiss your points of view, since the few time I know this forum, I consider you as a very good point of reference and knowledge here, and am very glad to read your interventions in each thread where I have some interest in. So glad to have an exchange with you