Originally Posted by MMM
I didn't mean you, specifically, Kitsune.
I think we have a variety of news sources in the US, and none would try and claim they are completely unbiased. It is impossible to do so. What they give is a perspective. The viewer has to be responsible enough to process it appropriately. People here often talk about the liberal media, and indeed, much of the media does lean left, but there are also right-leaning news sources, like the National Review or even Fox News. I am afraid people get the idea that they shouldn't get information from the news. I would ask, then where do you get it? I think you end up with idea's like AmericanOtakuLee's that has been fed some lines, but doesn't seem to have any basis for his beliefs.
It is a good thing anyway, as you could have the choice between differents sources (I think) in contents. Here it is not so evident, and we have to seek info in alternative media sources like free papers, extreme from left to right papers, blogs, or even foreign to have more accuracy on the news. The problem is if the government or the social partners (I mean syndicates) or the big trust bosses or so powerful or influent people are saying that THAT IS RIGHT AND ONLY THAT, you're are sure that despite if they are from left to right or right to left, the principal medias would say THAT IS RIGHT (sorry to emphasize caracters, it is not to make more soundly but to show that they were saying). So we have some authors or parallel medias who are wanting to go against that, a kind of anti-disinformation medias (sadly few and not very well represented). It is the only alternative we have. These are few, hard to find (because of the normal media's monopoly, and sometimes not very well seen, due to political attachement of all boards. But they are a bowl of fresh air anyway!).
But if in US you could have more diversified official sources, so I'm glad to know that, and that is going on the way that I believe my friends americans are, republicans or democrats, doesn't matter, still american friends however
