Originally Posted by Gackt21
That's a dead link.
I don't get most of my information from any one place.
Mark Levin is a very conservative radio talk show host. He supported Fred Thompson and then Mitt Romney. Like Rush, he is anti-McCain.
He is not a news source, he is a very conservative radio show host. If that is the source of most of your information than it is no wonder your information is so skewed. Is he the one that said Bush is OK because he isn't as bad as Hitler?
Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
So you're saying that the Democrats who were in the Clinton camp, are backing Obama and are fully behind their party?
I also didn't realise that the Republicans didn't like McCain.
I am basing that on the obinions represented in this thread.
The people that support Obama actually support Obama.
The people that support McCain, more often than not, see him as "the lesser of two evils".
I know that's not scientific, but a few months ago conservative talk-show hosts were very anti-McCain. Rush Limbaugh said he would vote for Hillary before voting for McCain. Now some Hillary supporters say they will vote for McCain before voting for Obama.
I think both are bluffing.