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(#375 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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06-14-2008, 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by AmericanOtakuLee View Post
Well if you would listen to the people like al sharpton who frame the issue as white vs black. America was Founded on Individuals not collectives. And only Individuals can make their lives better. Obama seems to think the answer to make govenment bigger which leads to things being done efficently. If you want change get the govenment out of our lives.
Find me a quote where Al Sharpton said not supporting Obama means you are racist.

Where has Obama said he wants to make government bigger? To be honest, I am not sure how it could get any bigger than it has under George W.

Come with some facts.

Pardon the implication, but you are saying all the points the conservatives feed uneduated people to vote Republican. None of it is based in fact. It's all hyperbole. Close your eyes and listen to what he is actually saying.
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