Originally Posted by Crea
Hahaha what a coincidence, I replied in a hurry to rush to the Sweden-Spain game as well! I like both teams, but I'm a little biased towards Spain cuz I'm just slightly in love with David Villa (  ), and at the end.....  (although that goal is definitely controversial cuz of the foul towards the back). Sweden was playing real well though, if Ibra stayed on after half-time I think things would've been different!
Haha ANYWAYS, I ended up enrolling into Keio's year-long Japanese program. It was definitely a hard choice though, since Waseda's location is better (Keio is in Mita, Minato-ku) and I heard Waseda is much more international and diverse, and also less snobby haha. But I have a friend in Keio who really pushed her school for me so...Either way, I think we're both in for a crazy 10-months!
And you're right, private bathrooms are definitely a luxury if you want to live in mid-Tokyo areas. I applied to Keio dorms, but am seriously considering canceling the application since their dorms are almost an HOUR away, near Yokohama haha...but then again, it's below 60000/month with a private bathroom lol. My mom wants me to live in some kind of dorm, not necessarily Keio's, but I agree, the curfews and restrictions blow!
And no problem about the links! I also have an additional question, when are you hoping to get your housing settled? I'd assume it's asap like me, but do these guesthouses let you reserve your room that far in advance? I think I was looking at OakHouse, and it said "two weeks max" for reservations. Not sure about what some other sites said, but how are you working around this?
Anyway, it's great to hear from someone who's going thru the same thing! Hehe and when you do, please let me know if you've decided on a place!
Gahh what an ending... I yelled quite a lot there.... Dunno what you mean by foul though, was a clean play as far as I saw.. But I sure hope Hansson would've got his foot (or whatever) on that ball... A pity, too, since he played well the rest of the game.
And yeah, with Ibra being able to play the 2nd also... but he rarely does now, so.. Larsson played very well, but had to work so much defensively so it was hard for him to be there when we turned to offence.
Anyways, yeah, I applied for Keio also, but since it wasn't my first choice (like Waseda), I didn't think about it again after I got accepted. I chose Waseda mainly because it seemed bigger (more choice of courses etc) and also because I thought housing would be better (kinda ironic)

In either case, I'm super excited about going to Waseda! (well, Tokyo really!)
Yeah, you're absolutely right about the time of reserving rooms. I will stake out different alternative guesthouses&rooms until reserving becomes possible, and then reserve one based on what's availible. Luckily I have a few friends in Tokyo with a couch to crash on, in worst case scenario (but it shouldn't come to that).
Also I'm hoping that some guesthouse that I'm contacting might know of a tenant that's going to move out in September, and is kind enough to let me reserve that room. Still waiting for some answers though.
Good thing about most guesthouses is that you can actually move out of them without a super early notice or expensive extra fees, so it's possible to change house if it's total crap (there are some, I heard from friends). Wasedas dorms on the other hand, seemed like once you got in you would have a hard time moving out.
So... I guess you're just as excited as me to get going now

What's your home univ?