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tommasi (Offline)
West Tokyo Native
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Location: Tokyo
06-14-2008, 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by Crea View Post
Haha ANYWAYS, I ended up enrolling into Keio's year-long Japanese program. It was definitely a hard choice though, since Waseda's location is better (Keio is in Mita, Minato-ku) and I heard Waseda is much more international and diverse, and also less snobby haha. But I have a friend in Keio who really pushed her school for me so...Either way, I think we're both in for a crazy 10-months!

And you're right, private bathrooms are definitely a luxury if you want to live in mid-Tokyo areas. I applied to Keio dorms, but am seriously considering canceling the application since their dorms are almost an HOUR away, near Yokohama haha...but then again, it's below 60000/month with a private bathroom lol. My mom wants me to live in some kind of dorm, not necessarily Keio's, but I agree, the curfews and restrictions blow!
Don't they have more than one dorms?

Keio is split between Mita in Minato-ku and Hiyoshi near Yokohama so the dorm is actually in the right place.

Also, 1 hour commute is actually not unusual in the greater Tokyo area so if you decide to live there, you are gonna have to put up with it.

Anyways good luck!!
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