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JF Ossan
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06-14-2008, 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by AmericanOtakuLee View Post
whats wrong with bush's defination of freedom????????
That's a whole 'nother story I don't want to get into, but things like water-boarding, warrentless wiretapping, protection for telecoms for giving our personal phone records to the government, telling the press to "watch what they say", an AG who says Habeas Corpus is not protected under the Constituion (the right to face your accuser and not be held without reason), the proposed National ID, which several states are protest, and this administration is telling the states to comply or residents of those states won't be able to board airplanes, "data-mining" of our financial records, the new power to strip an American of his citizenship if he is determined to be a terror suspect,

the list goes on and on.
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