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Crea (Offline)
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Location: Kronekodow
06-14-2008, 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Gahh what an ending... I yelled quite a lot there.... Dunno what you mean by foul though, was a clean play as far as I saw.. But I sure hope Hansson would've got his foot (or whatever) on that ball... A pity, too, since he played well the rest of the game.

And yeah, with Ibra being able to play the 2nd also... but he rarely does now, so.. Larsson played very well, but had to work so much defensively so it was hard for him to be there when we turned to offence.

Yeah, you're absolutely right about the time of reserving rooms. I will stake out different alternative guesthouses&rooms until reserving becomes possible, and then reserve one based on what's availible. Luckily I have a few friends in Tokyo with a couch to crash on, in worst case scenario (but it shouldn't come to that).

Also I'm hoping that some guesthouse that I'm contacting might know of a tenant that's going to move out in September, and is kind enough to let me reserve that room. Still waiting for some answers though.

Good thing about most guesthouses is that you can actually move out of them without a super early notice or expensive extra fees, so it's possible to change house if it's total crap (there are some, I heard from friends). Wasedas dorms on the other hand, seemed like once you got in you would have a hard time moving out.

So... I guess you're just as excited as me to get going now What's your home univ?
Haha I can only imagine your frustration! Are you Swedish then? I'm not European, so just a fan of all these teams. Actually Italy is my favorite but they're doing horribly atm, so I'm sort of jumping ship to Spain haha. Hmm, I'm not so sure, but at the end there were like two passes for the ball to get to Villa right? According to my tv commentators, at the first pass, back near the Spanish goal, a Spanish defender fouled a Swedish forward, but the ref didn't blow, then the ball moved forward to Torres and then to Villa. But I've been skimming thru post-match reviews and no one mentioned it, so maybe it wasn't! Oh and I heard Ibra had a sore knee that's why he was taken off, and also Larsson (the older one) also picked up a slight knock but both should be ok for the next game, whew. So Sweden should be able to take Russia I think! Anyways sorry for going so OT (I don't know how strict the forums here about going off topic but..)

Yeah, I guess that's all we can do about the timing, just try and see huh. I have some friends in Tokyo as well, but they're recent college grads like I, and still living with their families so I'd hate to crash with them hehe. Actually I heard for the Keio dorms, if you give a month's notice you can move out after that with no extra charges, so maybe I'll go with that first (if I even get a room though!) So what's your first choice right now? A guesthouse with Sakura House?

And you're right, I psyched to go! I can't sit still at home anymore haha, just waiting for time to pass. I graduated last month from Syracuse University (it's not very famous overseas I think), in case you haven't heard of it, it's in upstate New York, about 4 hours drive away from NYC. I'm now visiting my mom who lives in Shanghai (I'm Malaysian Chinese) but I don't have friends here so I'm basically stuck at home doing nothing (watching soccer every night!), which only makes the wait for Tokyo even harder!

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