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Crea (Offline)
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06-14-2008, 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by tommasi View Post
Don't they have more than one dorms?

Keio is split between Mita in Minato-ku and Hiyoshi near Yokohama so the dorm is actually in the right place.

Also, 1 hour commute is actually not unusual in the greater Tokyo area so if you decide to live there, you are gonna have to put up with it.

Anyways good luck!!
Hi tommasi!
You're right, Keio certainly has more than one dorm, but the list that they gave the international students were all around Hiyoshi I think. And what's worse, they reserve most of these dorm rooms for exchange students, which I'm not, so I'm limited to one dorm choice, and was told that they're only accepting 10 non-exchange international students.

So as a back-up, I've been researching guesthouses and whatnot, but also because I'd personally live a little closer to the city. You're also right about the hour-long commute; I have friends who live in Tachikawa, Machida, etc who do fine as well. And actually when I checked goo路線, it says it takes 30-40 mins with the Touyoko rapid to reach Mita, which isn't bad. But if I had the chance, I'd still take the closer accommodation.

But thank you for your advice, I appreciate it!

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