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AamX391 (Offline)
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06-15-2008, 03:30 AM

I had no idea Piq was the replacement of Newtype USA, i do have to say that they did try to read too broad of an audience with Piq, it did not have enough anime/manga news and info for me too pick up any issues

i am going to jump in with my reaction to your initial post, even tho i have not read all the responses.

I do agree that reading liscenced manga and watching liscenced anime for free is bad, but i dont think that is the entire reason Tokyopop had to make cuts, I think Tokyopop made bad executive descicions, they did not get their hands on good liscences and names, instead they turned their backs to japan, and most of their focus went into manwa from Korea, and american indie artists, while some of these liscences arent that bad, most people who buy manga would choose a graphic novel that came from Japan, rather than something that came from Korea
I dont have anything against Korea, but I would rather have Japanese titles to read, than Korean titles
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