Originally Posted by Tsuruko
Isn't 'Hashi' the correct term? Chopsticks are a westernized word from what I was told. My tea sensei would get mad at me if I referred to Hashi as Chopsticks. . .
I never eat with my fingers, unless it's a cookie sort of thing, but even with Sushi and the such. My family is all of German descent, which, generally, in German families, everything is eat with utensils of some sort. For some reason I have an aversion to touching my food with my fingers, I guess it seems unclean for me as that's how I was raised? I eat burritos and pizza with a fork. . .
When it comes to Japanese food, I use Hashi, but with everything else, I use a fork. 
well, every culture/language, has it's own term for most everything.
some cultures borrow their word from others, whilst others have their own word entirely. dunnoe what hashi is in mandarin chinese (and i dunno how too spell it in cantonese), soo...i use chopstick or hashi~
and then...since we are on a mostly 'english' speaking forum...plenty of users aren't yet accustomed too calling chopsticks 'hashi'. soo in cases of easier reference and being considerate of the ignorance of others x]
chopsticks is the most preferred word to use.
(btw, referring too chopsticks solely as 'hashi' (when using it in an english sentence) implies that chopsticks are of japanese origin o.O" and.....that's not entirely accurate, lolz)