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yuujirou (Offline)
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06-15-2008, 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by tiffa View Post
Yes, I think so. Her eyes are pretty small to begin with, and so are mine. I've been trying to make my eyes look bigger for the longest time, and have failed. I don't care about all the diamonds, or fake eye brows. I just want to know how to do the make up, such as the eyeliner...and possibly the 'background' technique of making my eyes look bigger.
actually x]
i think the eyebrows play a large role in making your eyes seem bigger~
assuming you have relatively slanted and sleek eyes~
when you apply your eyeliner, you generally follow the contours of your eye right?
or...if not that~ you stray from that contour and apply further upwards inorder too make it seem larger right?

well x] if the former....naturally, following the contours of something will only amplify it's shape~
with the latter~ by straying from the contour, you create the effect of having larger eyes~ can only reach up as high as your eyebrow.... o.O"
and even before that, the awkward shape will already look....well awkward xD

Thus~ my proposal is that by shaving your eyebrows, and redrawing them a little higher, you create a greater allowance space for the application of your makeup by allowing a different ratio between the length and the width of your eye~ >.>'

that's my 2 cents =D

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