Originally Posted by Zetsumei
i know but just the art and ability and movement and stuff that ninjas do has always facinated me. but thanks for your advice anyways. i much appreciat it
A lot of the stuff shown by "Ninjas" are theatrics and, most of the time, fantasy... Which happens a lot in the world of Martial Arts. However, there are many schools that claim to teach "Ninjutsu" (or various styles in relation to it) and that is for you to investigate.
This is going to offend quite a few people, but those that feel they need to criticize Ninjutsu in general, usually haven't learned enough of it to talk -- let alone, prove whether it is genuine or not.
That isn't to say that there aren't fakers out there, of course.
Martial Arts is very real.
Think seriously and try not to have unrealistic expectations. Good luck.