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(#13 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
06-16-2008, 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
are there many rules at an onsen? i know theres a couple.. like no bathing suits in the traditional ones.. is that correct? i read that some of the newer ones dont mind about bathing suits.. but when its my time to go to one id like to go to a traditional onsen..

EDIT: also how was your experience? was it very relaxing?
Well, there's not a bunch of rules. But, for example, there's the "bath before you enter the bath" thing. All along the walls around the bath, which is usually geothermally heated water, are little stations with a faucet and a shower on a hose. there is also soap and water buckets. It's appropriate to wash thoroughly from head to toe before entering the bath, or else you're just sitting in your filth.
In my experience, folks tend to watch until they see you understand the above point.
I think people are curious about body types, so they will check you out.

I find the older men are relaxed, but young men tend to hide behind their wash clothes in embarassment.

I like Onsen and been to a bunch. They are very comfortable, if you're not too modest.
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