Originally Posted by Orodreth
thanks ^-^ but, i can't learn like that, i have to be with the person teaching me. XP That's just how I am.
just follow the instructions x]
tell me in all honesty....
did you really read the whole thing and ask your self "how would i do this?"
did you analyze each step and compare it too any prior knowledge you might have of cooking?
if you have no such prior knowledge~ did you think about each step and attempt too utilize some logical reasoning as too how you would accomplish the step?
or....did you just either glance or skim through the entire thing
and conclude that "i can't learn like that, i have to be with the person teaching me. XP That's just how I am."????
if you did just the latter, i naturally advise you too attempt the former.
if you DO fail, in ALL respects, and have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you did wrong, and you DID trouble shoot every possibility, THEN and ONLY then will i accept that "you simply just can't do it w/o someone showing you."
fair enough? =D