Thread: Martial Arts
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06-17-2008, 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by Natsume View Post
I didn't make it up it's one of the nine couplets that helps our younger students. And expresses the ethics and morals of our school.

1. Do what is right, Becouse it is right
2. The more you give, the more you are rewarded
3. Where there is no man, You be the man
4.Courage is not an option, but a way of life
5.Tough times don't last, but tough people do
6.Life is but a vapor, and soon gone
7, Death ends a life, but not a relationship
8.Even if the river is smooth, does not make it safe
9. The way of the Tiger is that of tenacity and power, and from the Dragon we learn to ride the wind.
Natsume, I apologize if I missed your thread somewhere, what style do you practice? These are all really good.

You know, with Goju, we kinda kept the traditional of mind training, but instead of a seated meditation, we all stand and listen to a short inspirational speech by the sensei. Item 1 was something that we recently discussed, but we look at it from a moral vs legal perspective.

BUt you know I am really glad to see someone here posting with the traditional teaching and really expressing the "ART" in martial art, and not just any random fighting game
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