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PouncingAnt (Offline)
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06-17-2008, 03:39 PM

Yeah, a month of INTENSIVE study will get you some good basic skills. I'd advise using whatever skills you get to get yourself a penfriend so you can practice the language routinely, and be in contact with Japanese, as spoken by the Japanese. Also really useful to have someone to correct you (if not frustrating at times).

There are plenty of paid schemes that will help you get out here, like JET, for instance, that will also give you an opportunity to learn some language.

If you're in higher education, it shouldn't be too hard to get a scholarship to go to a university, all of which seem to provide Japanese lessons (I'm at Okayama University, and theirs are really good).

I'm afraid thats the limit of my knowledge so far as Japanese lessons here go. I hope someone else can give you a better answer

You can also check out Japanese lessons on my site
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