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(#42 (permalink))
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fuu (Offline)
blargh whatever
Posts: 411
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: In the attic!
02-22-2007, 02:42 PM

Ok, I have a good story to share.....
When my oldest son started school he had a very hard time learning to read. We had him in extra help programs but nothing was working. One night I was fretting about it and I thought ok maybe if he had something he was more interested in to read it would help. He was totally into Yugioh at the time so I went to the store and bought a Shonen Jump. He loved it. I had to help him with alot of the words but he wanted to read it over and over again. I got a subscription and we read it together all of the time. By the end of that year he was the only one in his class able to read the word anihilate. His teachers asked me what I was doing with him at home to see such a huge improvement. I told them and now the literacy program actually recommends Shonen Jump to some of the students. I know it's manga and not anime but you get my point. Some people have to have things proven to them first.

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