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godwine (Offline)
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06-18-2008, 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by Befron View Post
Pepsi- I'd imagine... since that would probably be one of your first experiences in person with someone in Japan, so I can see why it might be difficult to be not too confident in you skills.

godwine- I understand that- You can't find anywhere without diffusion into bad influences. By the way if my purpose was to ambiguously remove myself from America, I would sut move to Britain or somewhere and save myself the time of learning another language. But I can't believe many countries are declining as quickly as America. I am attracted to Japan by the people I see who come from there. I go to a school in America that is at least 50% Asian and of the ones that are Japanese and just generally from Asia, I have found them incredibly exceptionally intelligent. Also, I read so much about technology and mathematics (because the name of my HS is High Tech, and I like that stuff) and so much of the modern (as I realise Japan was closed off for quite a while a couple decades ago) technology articles involve Japanese people. Like not just a few more, like way more, namely, my interest, electrical engineering and sound. I can appreciate a stressed importance on education.
That sound like a reasonable and right reason. I too am attracted to the technology more, my dream and goal was to work in humanoid robotic, which currently only Honda and Toyota have anything close to operational. But if you saw my other post, I couldn't land any job offers, and then my Fiancee doesn't want to work there (she is also in robotics, she is in mechanical, i am in electrical), so we have settled to some day move there and retire there instead.

Good luck with it, but do as others have suggested, do some research, or at least visit there a couple of times first to see if you truly like it there.
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