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(#175 (permalink))
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Pjok (Offline)
is a 17 yr old now xD¨
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Location: The world made by ME.. C:
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06-19-2008, 07:01 PM

MEN PLUDSELIG Slår chibi en prut af glæde for hun kan nemlig ikke kontroler dem for de kommer med hendes humør Og DIE LØBER SKRIGENDE VÆK FRA CHIBI HEN TIL PJOK OG VOLDBOLLER HENDE!!.. (Hot hot hot hot hahahaha ) Og de er meget lykkelige sammen..

Hmm. det er dumpe karakter..,

JF Family
Proud member of the Vampire Clan
Claimed by me:
Ban (Lolita23q)
My adorable family knows who they are, <33

Koaku. Koaku. I'm never gonna admit such a big fat and ugly lie and you can't make me do it no matter what you say or what you write in your sig. Sry but i'm kinda really stubborn... ^^v
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