06-21-2008, 04:02 AM
Please see last post too, I am just adding this
2nd voice bubble, 2nd block, pg 13, starts with 不幸...
Is it Literally: This makes as much progress as letters of unhappiness.
The jist: THis is about as worthwhile as curse letters.
However could someone help me to understand why there is a から at the end of line one and a しちゃ at the end of line 2? I do notice a lot of から's in this book, though. Do they have a meaning other then because/ since, or can someone just tell me why there is a need for so many because/since's
Hey folks, if you're a Japanese speaker, and willing to help me please contact anytime on AIM:
Even if you're not too good, I am not either and it would be fun to learn from each other.
Last edited by Befron : 06-21-2008 at 04:05 AM.