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(#33 (permalink))
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Haggis (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: England
06-22-2008, 12:31 AM

I have to disagree when you say people buy games because they are fun (they buy them because they hope they will be fun). Why did people buy Devil May Cry 4? Because they liked Devil May Cry 1 to 3, (ie it was a sequel), because the magazines have gone on about it month after month. The game could have been absolutely rubbish, no fun at all and would have sold loads, whereas fun games, can easily be overlooked, because they are original and lack the hype.

I think that magazines may hype a game because it's a PS3 exclusive (for a short while anyway) and a sequel, and not because they think it will be fun for people... but perhaps I'm being too cynical?

Last edited by Haggis : 06-22-2008 at 12:46 AM.
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