Thread: Alice Nine
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funkykitty (Offline)
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06-22-2008, 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
if he's ugly .... he's dead ugly
check the lolita 23q....there are some pics...I won't ruin this nice thread with him *hides*
he doesn't even compare with our beautiful saga-kun *shakes head*

and emmm chiko in japanese means fries,but saga is a dork like that <333
What's wrong with Lollita23q they are alittle bit ugly of course b-coz they want to but they are funny and their songs are super great :

If I have to dry up, if I have to be trampled on then at least by you
It's enough if I'm next to a beautiful flower, I just want to be beside you
A painful short life it will never change
Just loving loving you...
Aoi-san you are the best lyrice's writer ever
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