Thread: Martial Arts
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(#155 (permalink))
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Birmingham, England
06-22-2008, 11:24 AM

I had a "street fight" the other day. Some prick who had an apparent disagreement about what lane I was meant to take on a roundabout, followed me. I was going to work but I didn't want some guy following me all the way there so I stopped my car on a side road and got out. I tried explaining that you are supposed to merge into the appropriate lane, which he failed to do but he didn't want a diplomatic solution.
He started shouting curses and whatnot and took a few swings at me which I blocked. I was right next to a police station too so I didn't wanna make it worse so I ran into him before he could punch again and wrestled him to the floor, with his head in a headlock. He somehow got free and tried punching my face while I was on the floor, which I deflected but in the effort, his other hand came round and gripped my face, giving me a 4 inch scratch from his gay ass nails.
I got pissed off, picked him off the ground, got him in a headlock and pushed him onto the bonnet of his car. Then I threatened to snap his neck if he didn't let go, which he eventually did. By this time there were people everywhere and someone had called the police.
I quickly got into my car and drove off but apparently they followed him and arrested him then came and took me with them to get a statement. I also got a free Tetanus shot, just in case the scratch, (which is pretty deep) got infected or something. -_-'
After all is said and done, i'm happy that i'm strong enough to fend off a very muscular person so I thank my training for that. If I hadn't grappled with him and instead got into a fighting stance, it would have been a very different situation and I would've probably been detained instead for giving the guy some injuries he rather not have.
I would've rather dropped the case against him but apparently nowadays, that is in the hands of the police and whether they get sufficient evidence or not.

Truth Hurts

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