How about Girugamesh, Miyavi, Dir en Grey, X Japan, Mucc, 12012, Sadie, Bang Doll, T.M.Revolution(Takanori makes Revolution), Gackt, L'arc en ciel, Orange Range, Screw, Blood, Antic Cafe, Kurt, Juka, -auncia-, Dollis Mary, Mana, Dolly, Cellt, Pashya, Bergerac, juliadoll, Celia xeno, Unsraw, Shonen Knife(a group of girls it's an old band. Banana Fish is a good song, you can get them on itunes U.S I don't know if itunes other than Japan's itunes will carry them.) I Have a Cure Mag of a couple of years ago, It has a whole list of Visual bands and I can give you more, some of them I never heard of at all but would like to check them out. (I can't read Japanese but would like to learn it.) I can give you some western bands you can listen too only if you want me to tell you. You just have to try all of the bands out before you know what you like and don't like, Go on Youtube and type in the names or go on line, or myspace They might have samples for you to listen too. I have some more J-bands on my itunes, but I'm going to butcher up their names, So I can give it to when I come home from work tonight. I'll just post it on this thread.