Originally Posted by filiadragongurl
I started Japanese in college with no background (except the random Japanese phrases I picked up here and there by watching anime too much...) and I stuck with it all 4 years. I'm still not fluent, but I'm doing pretty well. Anyway, it's more the program at the college you go to vs the background you have that's important.
By the way, I *do* recommend watching a lot of anime or somehow otherwise listening to a lot of japanese. It makes class more like "oh yeah, I've heard that before, so now I get it!" which I think is really useful, especially in the beginning. And even if you don't actually pick up words, you get used to the sound and intonation of the language, which is half the battle right there.
Good luck!
Although it IS good to hear how native speakers talk.
I don't necessarily think just anime is the right way to do it.
You might start saying 「ってばよ!!」 at the end of every sentence.
I mean, use anime, yes.
But also use stuff like music and real Japanese movies and television.