Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
I don't draw but my friend does and this is what she complains about to me
•Hands---she can never get them right
•Eyes---One will be really good and the other horrible
•Hair---It always looks weird
•Certain clothes---just because
Is she using models or guessing? Guessing is a horrible way to draw ANYTHING when you aren't confident with your style...We all know what a leather jacket looks like in our minds...But can you really go through and mark off every detail and calculate how far away the collar is from the chest pocket? Nope.
She should feel really lose and relaxed when she draws...She might be holding the pencil extremely hard causing her drawing style to be really hard and stressed. It's true, not making it up.
Tell her to always use models of what she wants to draw. Hands, google a pic..same with hair and clothes. It'll make a big difference until she is 100% ready to break free of picture models.