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Sephael (Offline)
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Posts: 16
Join Date: Jun 2008
Japanese studies/access course - 06-25-2008, 11:14 AM

A little background..

I was born and bred in Poland, although economic issues forced me to move to UK (despite the fact that we're unwanted here ). Now that I feel more confident with the language, I'd like to try studying here As far as my English language is concerned, I've taken the CPE exam few weeks ago, and I'm waiting for the results. As long as I get at least C, I'm free to study (almost) any course in UK.

My question is what are my options to study Japanese here ? In Poland, we only have 3 uni's providing the Japanese Language course, so its pretty hard to get in

I've been searching for the courses with the UCAS Course Search.. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any Access Courses, which I think are essential, since if I got into uni, it would be my first contact with English Learning System, which is, I have to admit, quite different from what we have in Poland.

Right now I'm situated in Scotland, although it wouldn't be a problem if the course was in South England. After all, I'm free to move anywhere I want to

Sorry for the wall of text :P
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