Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
what I put in bold orange are the mistakes I see...the could/would could be used as eith...I'm just used to would so that's why I put that.
Yes, I put that comma there haha...I had a very strict English teacher [and an old one at that...]
BUT those words have a slight difference. 'could' meaning a slight possibility and 'would' meaning definitely.
I COULD go to the mall if I had money
I WOULD go to the mall if I had money
But yes WOULD is the better word. THOUGH, she could also use 'might'.
so I am afraid I could[MIGHT] sound rude [to someone] again without me noticing it!
I put [to someone] in a bracket because it's not necessary. The point is that you don't want to sound rude again...So, it being 'someone' doesn't matter. unless that someone has a name
Gotta love english lol ><
English tries to take shortcuts and make sentences as short as possible without being hard to read. for example when we use "Don't' for Do not
"wouldn't" for Would not and 'i've' for I have.
...I think I made that even more confusing then it should be >< sorry!
I'm not criticising you. I'm just putting this incase she asks 'why could or would?'