Thread: Martial Arts
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(#180 (permalink))
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Natsume (Offline)
Keeper of Chokuto-Reki
Posts: 79
Join Date: Dec 2007
06-25-2008, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
I agree.

The harder you work, the more skilled you will become.
Afterall, hard work never earns you nothing in the end.
See these guys are right, you really loved Shaolin and all of a sudden you just drop it for Muay Thai? I think you're hiding something, you're not that wishwashy, and you're not a coward. If you have a viable reason then tell me. But tell me here where you have to pony up to your fellow Martial Artists.

"The way of the Tiger is one of Tenacity and Power, and from the Dragon we learn to ride the wind"

-A saying used in our Dojo
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