Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
Obviously they are going to comment on you when you're naked.. If people don't have the manners to look away or ignore you then they're going to give you their opinion.
I'm surprised you wouldn't expect it, especially since you ARE naked in a public place. The fact that this "Onsen" is a Japanese thing and has their rules and customs associated with it, doesn't mean that the rest of the world is going to be the same. Hell, they aren't even obliged to be polite, especially since being naked anywhere in public and not getting any flak is a privilege for YOU.
All I said was it's uncomfortable. Not that I pull anyone down for it, I understand your point. I've seen all kinds of people naked, and thought all kinds of things, but it's generally polite not to comment on someone. I'd like to see how comfortable you are when someone says to you "I never guessed you shaved" That's not something you need to hear naked. Espesially if you're a girl.