Thread: Tokyo fashion?
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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-26-2008, 03:12 AM

The styles in the photos above look to be a few years old, but still a little like what I see here now.

Men now prefer ratty jeans, ratty shoes or short boots with buckles and upturned pointy toes. A tight t-shirt, with a semi buttoned button down shirt over it, or a jacket which may or may not match the jeans. A wide leather belt with metal of any color, but usually brown or white, and the most important item, a "man purse". The "man purse" is a leather or denim bag with a few frills or fringes, much like what hippies carried back around 1970 or so.

As for women, the in fashion seems to be the smock, worn with just about anything, jeans, skirt, tights, or pants. It comes down to mid thigh level, and is usually patterned with polka dots. A sweater or blouse is often worn over the smock, shoes can be anything from athletic to very-high heels, which accentuate the pigeon toed walk many women here seem to have.

The above looks are seen every day in every place. The Harajuku looks are seen pretty much only on weekends in the metro areas.
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