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kijo (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
What image did you have of Japan? - 06-26-2008, 03:15 AM

One of the biggest Japanese mass media group ,
the Mainichi Shinbun , Mainichi Daily News - Notice
have been for over five years sending horrible articles on , Mainichi Daily News - Japan News
about Japanese girls and boys , women .

The Mainichi and the wrighter Ryann Connell has written on the page
WaiWai , Mainichi Daily News - Notice
about Japanese common live and tradition .
They wrote that Japanese are doing beastaliy ,
Japanese girls are sexomaniac ,
Japanese boys are homosexual and getting maternal blow job
and other crazy articles about Japanese and their tradition .
But none of these articles are reality ,
Mainichi Shinbun and Ryann Connell have brought this articles from
pornograhies and their fantasy .
Recently , in Japan the crime of foreighners against Japanese kids
and women has been increased ,
but this is understandable , when we think that Maninichi Shinbun
and Ryann Connell has written these silly fantasy
on web as "real News of Japan" .
I myself am a Japanese woman living in Japan ,
and I can tell that none of these articles are reality .
I am now afraid of going abroad and meeting foreighn men ,
and so am I afraid that little Japanese kids and other women
getting violated by foreighn men .
But for me it looks like that the employee of Maninchi Shinbun
are enjoying these situation around the poor Japanese kids and women .

I tell again .
Don't believe anything what "Mainichi jp" and Ryann Connell
are telling about Japanese , especially about kids and women !
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