06-26-2008, 03:42 AM
Learn the language, nothing impresses the Japanese more than foreigners who go to the trouble of learning their language. Say you love the food, especially "natto", and prove it by eating it when you go out to lunch with your co-workers. Learn how to use chopsticks properly, Japanese will always look to see how well you use chopsticks. If you can't use them well, they won't say anything, but if you do use them well, they will always compliment you.
Learn basic manners, such as how to bow. When bowing to older people or superiors, you must bow deeper. Always greet your neighbors or co-workers when you pass them, and always thank everyone with whom you do any type of business.
Always, without exception, be on time. In Japan this means 20 to 30 minutes early. Try not to be the first one to leave at the end of the work day. Sometimes this is unavoidable as you may need to catch a train or bus. When this happens, you must apologize for being the first to leave "o-sakini shitsureishimasu".
Dress appropriately, which means you should dress like your co-workers, and not your superiors. Foreigners have a little more leeway here than Japanese, but even foreigners are expected to fit in somewhat.