Thread: Tokyo fashion?
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That's Not Faiiiiirrr! - 06-26-2008, 05:19 AM

lol =(

Well America is very sheltered and narrow minded. So if any of those people in those pics decided to walk down most of the streets of America they would be laughed at or picked on.

It's a shame... x.x I love Japans wide variety of style and fashion. SUCH CREATIVITY!!

hmm..The typica fashion here is...

Women: really short skirts or skin tight jeans with premade holes or stains. $300 shoes that hurt their feet more than they make them look good. and usualy bleached out hair with a really really dark tan and some lightly placed jewelry..a ring..tiny nechlace with some charm on it..and ear rings.

Men: Baggy pants that fall off their butts. Tanktop or a "tall" t-shirt. A baseball cap repping their favorite city or sports team. again $300 shoes..BUT they are actually comfy and...a extremely excessive amount of jewelry.

3 out of 5 people you see walking around America is dressed like I listed above. The rest are wearing a business outfit..or your random fashion genres.

oh! and pale skin..or a light complection is looked at as someone who has no life and sits inside all day..or a loser who has no friends cause they arent constantly at the =(

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