Originally Posted by Sangetsu
The draft will not be reinstated. But in the off chance that it were to happen, you could run to Canada and renounce your American citizenship. Then you could live with the thought that since you didn't go, another person had to be picked to take your place.
Citizenship may be a right, but it comes with responsibilities, and sometimes even risks. Were it not for those who were drafted and served in earlier times, you yourself may not have been alive now. You may disagree with being drafted and fighting in an "unjust and illegal war", but there is no such thing as a "just and legal war".
I would like to point out that there are those of us who served who feel the draft belittles our service. I believe in the right to object to service. I believe the right to pacifism. I chose to serve to protect the rights of the people (one of which happens to be a relative) who feel it is their calling, be it moral, religious, or otherwise to resist becoming involved. I feel that forcing people to serve makes my choice to serve mean less.
Not trying to hijack here, I just felt like I should say there are veterans on the other side of this issue. I for one hope the draft never, ever returns.