Originally Posted by Gerard
I don't care if girls through food up or whatever after they ate... if it makes them look better then they should do it
but if it dosn't make them look better... well then.. Nevermind'
i know.. that's not what a doctor would say.. well im not a doctor.
lol x.x I can't believe you actually said that. So you would rather be with a girl who has a decaying esophigus and rotting teeth? because women who throw their food up have extreme tooth decay to where they are pulled out and if they have money, replaced with false teeth. Ontop of that they get this bad breath disease(if their eating disorder is really bad) Where they always smell like they are crapping from their mouths....And they raise their risk of throat cancer...
Just so you can say "she's hot"?
You are a pig and make me embarassed to be of the male race.