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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-27-2008, 03:08 AM

Cell phones in Japan are just plain expensive now. You have the option of paying for your phone fully up front, or making payments over time. Prices range from 30k to 55k yen. My GF recently bought me a Foma 905 (Docomo), and the up front cost was 54300 yen, more than $500. My monthly bill runs about 10000 yen.

The Softbank plan you are mentioning sounds like a decent deal if you don't talk very much. You can receive emails anywhere, you don't have to be online. Most phones have an English language option.

The Iphone is coming out in Japan in a couple of weeks, it's price is actually lower than many (if not most) of the phones offered in Japan now.
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