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(#16 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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06-27-2008, 03:19 AM

The draft belittles no one's service. If you feel so, I doubt you have really served. I served 6 years myself, and some of my senior NCO's were draftees from the Vietnam war who decided to make a career of the military. They were (and are) among the best people I have ever known.

You can be a pacifist and still serve. For every person that carries a rifle in the military, there are at least 10 others who support him in some way. In the military you can be anything from a doctor or a lawyer to a cook. Only a minority of soldiers actually see combat.

People have rights, but as I said previously, citizenship also comes with responsibilities. You can't assume to take all that citizenship offers without giving something back in return. Giving your life is a steep price, but many people have thought it well worth that price.
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