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(#115 (permalink))
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Diryavi (Offline)
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06-27-2008, 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Have you seen what sumo wrestlers eat? It would take me a week to eat what some of them eat in a meal.

Being tall and being obese are two different things. What you eat does affect your height, but there aren't really "unhealthy" heights.

Are you talking about instant ramen? There's not really anything in them but salt and no one is getting overweight off of instant ramen, though, yes, they aren't really that good for you.

The point is that people that eat healthy diets do not get obese.
1st, I was only trying to prove a point that we should not assume and no I was not trying to say there are unhealthy heights its just people assume that all Chinese people are short and every Asians are skinny. Because the first thread talked about that every Japanese person is skinny and I wanted he/or she to know not to assume things.

2nd, Processed foods have trans fat even hidden trans fat even when they say no trans fat look carefully. That is very bad and unhealthy for you. Trans fat stays in your body because your body dose not know how to break it down. And that diet cola can make you crave more sweets not really helping you on your Diet. Also, Just by drinking one coke can make you gain weight over time if you keep drinking it and all that acid will hurt your teeth by making them become brittle just ask your dentist on your next viset.

3rd, Yea but, eating healthy is not so simple and it's hard for people who don't know how to eat healthy, to go that route they need a kick in the pants a real scare from the doctor to get motivated .

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