Originally Posted by CrazyLee
I agree h what you've said but, if you don't mind, I'd like to point something out about the quote above. My Aikido Sensei has the following point of view: you are always learning. On every technique there will be something that you can learn, something that you can go 'ah, so thats how its done'. Whats the point of studying any martial art if you take the attitude of 'I've done it, Ive graded doing it. I don't need to do it again'.
This is not to say that is what your suggesting, and I would like to apologise now if I've offended you. But I do know of some martial arts (Jujitsu being one) where you don't work on earlier techniques.
Which actually brings me to a question, for everyone here: do you have the option to work on previous grade techniques? And if you don't, would you want to?
Not offended at all, very good point. I wasn't suggesting that its possible to "know it all", I am just saying that the learning and training process is the important part of life, and in martial art (or anything else for that matter). You don't need to be able to do something already in order to train, as a matter, you want to train yourself because you know you cannot do it and want to try it.
Its true that a lot of martial artist, once they reach a national competitive level, or, especially with the "belt" discipline, once the reach black belt level, they think that they already KNOW it. Here are my favourite quote, which I think applies to everything in life, and definitely the world of martial art
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do
One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes...and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility"