Thread: Going to japan
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godwine (Offline)
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06-27-2008, 05:58 PM

Fin out how much flight and hotel will cost you first, but its sort of a catch, you can't really plan your hotel and get a cost estimate unless you know where you are going.

For the most part, assume that food will cost you about ¥2500 to ¥3000 a day. Transportation varies, but I assume you will be getting a rail pass. I got lazy to do the conversion for you, but I did a similar itinerary with a few friends back in 2007, and we managed to surviived with about CDN$3000, including flights, hotel and all accommodation/transportation:

Flight (Toronto-Narita): $1100
Hotel: $700
JR Pass: $400
Food: $350
Entrance fee for attractions: $300
Other Transportation: $100

All in canadian funds... you should be fine with 3000-3500 euro. It was also for 2 weeks.
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