Okay, I've scanned, scanned again and then re-scanned the J-music threads and I'm PRETTY SURE that there isn't already a thread for these guys. And I decided they need one, so here it is! (If there is a thread, sorry)
The band is called Poitrine
(which means 'breast' in French >: D) and the lineup is as follows:
Vocals - Sayo

Guitar - Urala/Urara

Guitar - Ginga

Bass - Denu

Drums - Yusuke

I think Yusuke is a new member, because he isn't in all the pictures. Only recent ones.

That's the band with Yusuke (he's the one on the far left). After him, from the left, is Denu, Sayo, Ginga then Urala.
It's pretty hard to find information on them (though I haven't tried that much). In any case, they don't have a wiki.theppn page yet. However they do have:
A homepage -
Poitrine Official HP
A livejournal thing -
彩色下刻 【さいしきげこく】
A fanlisting -
{LAST} w h i t e // POITRINE fanlisting
And music (I don't think they have any PVs):
Maple Syrup Cocktail
Daidai to Mizu
Ninen Möbius
I'm guessing the name of the last song is German, and if so they certainly like foreign languages right? Also, those aren't all of their songs, that's just my current favourites.
For anyone who's interested,
I CLAIM SAYO (although Ginga looks quite good currently,if you look on his profile), and I have music to send if you want. I hope someone likes them, they deserve to get noticed more.