WOW, I'm really glad this subject has arose because I'm going through the same thing. My boyfriend is chinese/korean, and he lives in Canada while I live in Maryland, sure it's not like an entire continent away, but it's still pretty long distance.
So far for us it's worked out, we're pretty light hearted about a lot of things and we really don't fight much, if anything we get along real well and have the same type of humor. It's complicated though because I'm about to go to a university for another two years, and right now in the work he's doing (he's older so he recently graduated) he can't take time off . But we try not to think too much about the future and just be happy as we are.
Good luck with your boyfriend though, one of my friends was dating a dude in Japan, and he's planning on moving here to be with her. I suggest not immediately moving in together, I know that when my bf and I talked about that I told him I'd be living on my own if I decided to move to Canada to be with him. Long distance is hard especially in your situation, but I have confidence that it can work out and that there are people that do find happiness

Good luck!