Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-29-2008, 09:32 AM

myvfan@ I only found these

and I can't find the one with shou and meevs only -_-" I don't know where the hell did I put it >.< and there was also one with them when shou had his kowloon outfit
maybe daidai has them cause I seriously can't find them.I just realized I have all the possible pictures with alice nine and I can't find anything in that mess x33

nan@ you guys have to like him *nods nods* right??! XD
and speaking of shou I found those scans *runs in circles*
I love people from alice nine communities
aaaand OMG I totally forgot to tell you....nao's blog are translated on nao_daily.they're a little slow but they're doing a great job *jumps*
they're only two posts behind *giggles*
and I think they made the pv for rainbows *hyperventilates*
nao mentioned something about it in his blog but it's not translated yet >.<
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