Originally Posted by SSJup81
I don't miss out on anything, so the latter, I can't agree with it. If you start out young, it becomes second nature. I've been reading closed-captioning since I was about 11 years old. My grandmother is hearing impaired, so we got her a closed captioned television back then. I'm going on 27 now, and I'm so used to having words up, I have a tough time following shows without them. For me, I miss out on stuff when I actually have to concentrate on just listening.
Yeah, thats what we had to do for my grandparents but I haven't seen them in forever. But I've always been a fast reader so I usually end up reading them listening to the words...sadly, my friends hate subtitles so I get lost during movies.
I'm usually the one reading them to my friend Jamie with anime cus she'll be all 'what the heck are they saying? the subtitles are to fast'