Originally Posted by Sangetsu
The draft belittles no one's service. If you feel so, I doubt you have really served. I served 6 years myself, and some of my senior NCO's were draftees from the Vietnam war who decided to make a career of the military. They were (and are) among the best people I have ever known.
You can be a pacifist and still serve. For every person that carries a rifle in the military, there are at least 10 others who support him in some way. In the military you can be anything from a doctor or a lawyer to a cook. Only a minority of soldiers actually see combat.
People have rights, but as I said previously, citizenship also comes with responsibilities. You can't assume to take all that citizenship offers without giving something back in return. Giving your life is a steep price, but many people have thought it well worth that price.
You and I are simply on opposite sides of this debate. Like I said, I didn't want to hijack, I just wanted to make it clear that among those of us who served, there is disagreement on this point. I wanted to make sure it was clear, especially to some of the younger folks on the forum, that your view is not universally held. I never saw combat; to be blunt, I answered phones, but when I signed up, I knew serving in a combat situation was a possibility. I was willing to go to Afghanistan or Iraq, it just didn't happen during my time in. If certain policies are changed, I'd even consider going back in.
The individual I refer to is a complete pacifist. This person will not drive a truck in uniform; this person will not cook in uniform; this person will not do anything that may be perceived as giving support, either tacit or overt, to any military action at all. To draft this person, or throw that person in jail due to resistance, is a criminal act in my opinion.
And I say it belittles my service because one of the rights I am willing to die to protect is our right to say no to conscription. A country where you can be forced into the military is not a country where freedom is practiced as it is preached, no matter how many propaganda films you air on TV. It certainly isn't a country worth dying for. A country that protects the rights of the minority to dissent, especially in matters of personal conscience such as military service is a country worth protecting. That is the country I believe America to be continually reaching for in order to form an ever more perfect union. That is why I believe that America is worth dying for. Reinstate the draft and that all falls apart.
...Also, I'm not jonesing for a fight here, but don't you consider it pretty insulting to suggest because we disagree that means I must be lying about my service? Liberals do exist in the military, you know. Some of them attain rather high rank too. Just because we disagree on this, don't suggest that I "didn't really serve." That's pretty offensive.