Thread: Alice Nine
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LittleFallenAngel (Offline)
Fanfiction writer.
Posts: 1,860
Join Date: Jan 2008
06-30-2008, 12:46 PM

Two a9 dreams within 2 weeks?!!?!?!O_O
oh god you have beaten me XD!!!
Last time I had an a9 dream was ummm...
2 weeks and like 1 day u_u;;...
im such a dork XD..
Haha am watching pickle six right now...
It keeps cracking me up everytime..X'D..
I keep laughing at the part when says:

And then this comes after it XD...:

Seriously it keeps making me laugh everytime XD!!!

With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
| LFA-Daily. |
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