06-30-2008, 01:35 PM
Aren't beginners more in need of structured lessons?
I think random lists of words are a bit impractical (due to lack of context, and difficulty of memorizing word lists), but for the sake of not being completely contrary, I will post a list of words that may be useful. After all, you are right about there being a slight lack of real beginners stuff here.
They are all important question words that are worth memorizing if you don't know them.
いつ -Itsu- When (For the sake of completeness [I'm A+ LOL])
なに -Nani- What?
どこ -Doko- Where?
どう -Dou- How?
どうして -Doushite- or なんで -Nande- Why?
どちら -Dochira- Which way (As in "which way to the station?")
いくら -Ikura- How much (As in "How much does this cost?")
どんな -Donna- What kind of?
どれ -Dore- Which (As in "Which dress is cheaper?", mainly used when picking from 3 or more things)
PS. feel free to correct me, I'm fallible sometimes... But I'd rather you dropped me a PM so I can write the correction to avoid bloating the thread.
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