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Kayame (Offline)
I is the Ebil Fuzzy BunnY
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That's the truth part 2 - 06-30-2008, 02:54 PM

In the ending "she" is not dead, just to clear that up.

"I'm to blame"
She screamed in her head
"It's all my fault"
She seethed, punching the wall
"It will never be ok"
She cried as the demons raged in her head
"Worry grips me"
She felt as pain tore her heart
"It won't be the same"
She pleaded as her blood boiled
"I can't stop the tears"
She sighed as the whiskey burned her throat
"I hate you!"
She swore as her sanity broke
"I regret everything"
She thought as her body crimpled to the ground

"People who are alone are ignorant people who can't see around them to look at those whom stay around far after they should leave. And because of this we have formed anger that has no meaning, in which means we are nothing more then the things that created this anger. Nothing. Well I'm something!" ~Kay-Chan
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